Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Once Bitten, Twice Shy...

I was just finishing washing my dishes from cooking and consuming a grand breakfast when Charlie called me. I ambled into the computer room to answer the phone.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" Chalie asked on his way to work.

"I get up early these days. Maggie and I just got finished eating a big breakfast," I told him.

I even made homemade biscuits this morning which Maggie found to be an oddity. She buried hers in the backyard.

"The reason I am calling is that Erin (Charlie's granddaughter) got a letter and a call from her internet service provider about downloading a Mariah Carey album," Charlie said. "I am worried about litigation."

"It is no big deal. It was just a warning," I told Charlie. "They are mainly after the big fish. Just tell her not to do it again. Tell her to get on YouTube and she can listen to all the music her heart desires and it is not copyright infringement."

"Does she still have internet service?" I then asked and Charlie said yes. "They would have ceased her service if it was a really big deal."

Charlie said he felt better after talking to me.

"Tell her she needs better taste in music," I told Charlie with a chuckle and a laugh.

Charlie laughed back and told me to shut up.

"Well, be prepared to tackle your computer room closet for Christmas," Charlie told me sounding enthusiastic. "And then we will get to your bathroom closet."

1 comment:

glittermom said...

What happened to the plans for your train set up in the spare room?