Tuesday, August 09, 2016

"No Cigars For You!" Said the Anti Smoking Nazi...

I've been craving cigarettes something badly lately, Mainly this week was uncomfortable--so I decided to cut out the cigars yesterday to see if that was the craving culprit. So far, I haven't had any intense or showstopping withdrawals. Cigars and cigarettes are totally different beasts, though--being very, very different from each other. Cigars are to be savored for their aroma and taste, and cigarettes are just basically nicotine delivery devices.

"You're going to get yourself in deep doo doo," my father told me with a stern look last night as we walked across the parking lot of Kroger. "You just need to keep on smoking!"

He cited the peer reviewed study that 95% of all schizophrenics smoke. I thought he would be happy as the "hobby" can get expensive at times. Nothing is never, ever that simple in my humble little life.

"Nicotine calms and soothes those same misfiring receptors in your brain which also affects your mental illness," my father additively told me.

Buzzkill was what was going through my mind as he said that.

La Fiesta Time...

"Have you really made it all day without your cigars?" mom just asked me excitedly after delivering my Mexican meal.

I told her yes I had and that I am going to do this. I am going to quit smoking for good. Next time you enter my house you will not be enveloped in a dense cloud and a and the deep haze of cigar smoke. I also worry about Maggie inhaling all that secondhand smoke.


skinny minny said...

Okay, just because 95% (would really like to see that study...) smoke doesn't mean that they should or actually even need to.

Berryvox said...

Meh, your dad's wrong. I've got schizoaffective disorder, quit about five years ago, and really don't have any desire to smoke anymore. (And I live with my parents who both smoke heavily.) So it can totally be done.