Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Where Did My Day Go? Oh, that's Called Yesterday...

The Grand Poo-bah has left the premises after almost bumbling the medication ritual. We almost dropped my myriad and handful of psychiatric medications between the cushions of my couch. That would have been an aggravated twist on tonight's proceedings.

My father was much too tired and not much in the mood for idle chit chat which suited me just fine. Dad just mainly wondered what was on Georgia Public Television tonight. There was a documentary on Olympic row boats. Mom would take this silence as if my father was mad at her for some reason -- always internalizing.

Soon, we were feeding and watering Maggie and my father headed on his way. I just called my mother and told her Papa was heading home.

"He's tired, mom, so don't ask him too many questions or place too many burdens upon his shoulders," I told her. "Go easy on him tonight."

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