Saturday, March 03, 2018

All Moved (Pooped) Out...

Yesterday, I got dad's and Charlie's Ford truck and began to pack and move boxes of housewares from Charlie's old house to Charlie's new house. Charlie's nephew helped me on quite a few trips. Social anxiety reared its ugly head, unfortunately. I was having a terrible time with small talk yesterday and it felt so awkward. I was content moving stuff alone.

"Charlie! You have a shitload of stuff!" I told him. "I have never seen so many knick-knacks in my life."

Charlie laughed and told me there was more to come.

It was nightfall when I told Charlie I was literally calling it a night and I headed home. I didn't realize how much work I did yesterday until I awoke very sore this morning.

I drove back to Charlie's house early this morning to see if there was more I could do. Janice cooked us a big breakfast and Charlie told me to head home -- that I had done enough. Charlie still had to drive down to McDonald's and get Horsefly's sausage biscuit as he does every morning. I can't say I wasn't glad to hear I wasn't needed. I was still tired and sore from the day before.

"I will be by around three or four to bring you and Maggie some early supper," Charlie told me. "Horsefly's routines stop for nothing and we have to go to the cinema."

Oh, I fixed Horsefly's TV. Charlie was just overjoyed. It was set somehow to "2nd Audio". I set it back to normal audio and Horsefly's TV was good to go. The setting was buried deep in a series of menus which was convoluted.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

How is horsefly adapting to his new home. Sometimes that can be traumatic.