Thursday, March 29, 2018

I Miss Helen Deeply...

I really could use some of Helen's meatloaf about right now. 


glittermom said...

You got some good looking plates from her..and lots of vegetables! Lot better then those frozen meals. Does your father cook everyday for himself?

Jane said...

you seem to enjoy cooking your spaghetti sauce/dinner, why not prepare other homemade meals.
your readers could give you some recipes to try!

Rita said...

Yes, what Jane said! We would give you some recipes to try.

Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. What do you call mashed potatoes? Creamed? Whipped? (One of my daughter's favorite meals)


glittermom said...

I find it hard cooking for one person. I could do breakfast for supper, that’s my favorite meal. I try to make things I can eat for a few days. Like chili, spaghetti, soups. Anything that gives me leftovers so don’t have to cook everyday. I cooked everyday raising my family, now it’s time for a break.

diana said...

Meatloaf is very easy to prepare Andrew, it's a one bowl one pan recipe. Betty Crocker has a simple recipe on the internet and you could doctor it up to your tastes. Some frozen peas and even instant mashed potatoes and you have a meal with very little mess.