Friday, March 09, 2018

The Lights Are On and No One's Home...

Dad and I arrived at 9 AM for my psychiatrists visit this morning. There was an ominous note on the door and then we stepped inside to inquire about it. The building was almost empty except for one solitary lady sitting in the reception booth barren of office equipment.

"Sir!" the lady said. "Grandview Behavioral Health gathered everything and left town."

"What?" my father exclaimed. "We have an appointment to see Dr. Edwards."

"He is no longer here and that's about all I know," she replied.

They didn't send us any notice of the move or how to retrieve my medical records. It was a ghost town.

At least, I've got another month of refills left. We signed up for an appointment with a new psychiatrist that will soon be setting up shop in the building. This will be my 7th psychiatrist I've had over the years. I don't doctor shop. They just all just retire or leave and go somewhere else.

Dad and I left and headed for Hardee's. He was still severely disgruntled. The steak biscuit I got was much consolation. I also got a diet drink to stick to my diet.


glittermom said...

That sounds very strange. Actually suspicious.

skinny minny said...

ditto glittermom's comment. I would be doing some research to find out what happened.

Berryvox said...

Oh wow, that's weird. You would think they'd at least send you something in the mail or a call.