Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Almost a Requiem for Risperdal...

I called my father to remind him my injection was due in the morning. He profusely thanked me for remembering.

"I forgot all about it," he said.

He pulled the next appointment card out of his wallet to make sure and it is in the morning.

"Call Angie and have her go ahead and fill the prescription today," I told my father. "That way I won't have to wait in the morning. I'll be ready to roll."

Dad said he would do that as soon as he got off the phone with me.

Dad then changed the subject to my medications.

"Are you taking your medications?" he asked.

"I take them everyday noon and nine," I replied.

"Let me have them back," dad said. "It is just worrying the shit out of me. You seem to be struggling."

"I cut out Benadryl," I told him. "I also cut my Cokes from six to two a day. I am also on a diet and you know how I love to eat. Certainly, I am struggling. I've got a lot on my plate right now."

"Well, I just worry about you. I just want to make sure you are okay," my father said acquiescing some. "You're sure you are taking your medications?"

I reassured him and hit home the point that I would be batshit crazy without them in a couple of weeks. That seemed to placate him for the time being. I was about at the point that I was going to tell him that if he took my medications out of my control that I wasn't going to take them anymore. Thankfully, it didn't come to that.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

That was close. If he ever does tell him he will have to bring them over twice a day so your not taking them all at once. He won’t want to do that. Keep up the good work.