Thursday, March 08, 2018

The Day That Never Ended...

That's what it feels like tonight. I feel as if I have been up for two days -- two days all rolled into one. This morning feels like an eternity ago.

My father was in Auburn all day looking at cars. He's gonna surprise us any day now. I can feel it. He said his main interest was a Honda Accord Sedan.

Tonight, I am waiting for his arrival with my Cokes and smokes and then we are going to gas up our cars at the Circle K just down the street. It is already 45° F here so I am going to freeze my patootie off getting gas. I told him on the phone a moment ago that the longer he waits, the colder it is going to get. I guess looking at cars is a tiresome thing. Even I can grow weary of computer parts shopping.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

What’s going on with your mothers car now?