Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Charlie's On Board...

For Glittermom who asked about this the other day and I never replied:

"John, you need to get on the ball about Martha's car," Charlie told my father last Sunday.

I was sitting in the den listening to them banter back and forth.

"Martha's car has a recall and I am going to get that fixed first," my father replied.

"Well? When do you want to drive it up to the Honda place?" Charlie asked. "I will follow you."

"I'll help in any way I can as well," I chimed in, hoping to get my mother's car soon.

"I am going to keep nagging him till we get you that car," Charlie told me as we were walking down my father's back steps.

I thanked Charlie and told him I needed all the help I can get. My father is a supreme procrastinator.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

You and Charlie keep on his case. Not good letting that car sit so long.