Monday, March 12, 2018

Evoke the Auschwitz Mantra...

I was feeling sorry for myself today. It seems that everything is a hassle regarding my life and it all centers around my father's obsessive need to control my actions. We never got gas the other night due to me having an anxiety attack and I am waiting for my father to call me to meet him at the convenience store. I didn't have enough gas to get to his house to get my Cokes and smokes this morning. I tell ya. I am in the Army with all this hurry up and wait. Then, we have groceries to get tonight. It will be way after my bedtime and it will also be a hassle.

And then...

I thought if I had just been let out of Auschwitz and was placed into my life then I would be one of the happiest souls alive. Just think what an ex-prisoner would do if given $70 and told to buy food a few days out of Auschwitz? Life is all relative. Thinking that made me feel better and more upbeat about my circumstances. I don't have it that bad at all. Yes, it could be better. We will work on it.


glittermom said...

When ever you see your new psychiatrist make sure and tell him about your anxiety attacks. Don’t let your dad do all the talking like with your old need to tell him anything your experiencing. He’s your dr...

Rita said...

Glittermom is correct. Also, make notes of things you want to let the new psych know. If I don't make notes, I forget all the things I want to discuss.