Monday, March 19, 2018

Two Little Shits Down. Two or Three More To Go...

My father was right. The Mags and I were laying in the bed about to drift off to sleep when we heard a very loud SNAP! Maggie got up to investigate and I followed her into the kitchen.

"Got one!" I said, pumping my fists into the air after opening the under sink kitchen cabinet and peering in with a flashlight. "Yes!!!"

This is war! (war cry!)

I reset the trap after wiping off the blood. (This is dirty business.) Maggie and I got back in the bed when moments later we heard another SNAP! Yes, we got one more. I reset the trap with some fresh peanut butter and it was quiet for the rest of the night. The rats look like some kind of mouse/rat hybrid at close glance.

Ye Olde Rattle and Grind...

You know you are getting pretty good at fixing computers when an exhaust fan in your computer starts to loudly rattle and grind in the night (the fan's bearings were going out) and you change the fan in just under 20 minutes and you are back in the bed. Yes, I had a fan go out and I replaced it with a spare I had on hand. It was a busy night last night. I am feeling it this afternoon.

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