Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lean Times at Andrew's Casa...

"These are mine! You've already eaten yours," I told Maggie as she licked her chops at my two scrambled eggs and bacon this morning.

She wolfs her's down so quickly it is a wonder she even tastes it.

I am managing to stick to my diet so far, but I feel hungry all the time. I had the Lean Cuisine spaghetti and meat sauce meal for supper and I was ravishingly hungry by the time bedtime rolled around. I went to sleep hungry. I am trying to forego the honey bun and glass of milk. I put the honey buns in the freezer.

My father stopped by to see me last night after work. Maggie was overjoyed as always to see him. I was quite smitten myself to see him as well. We've had a change in our routines where my father leaves my two Cokes and my cigarettes in a chair on his porch at night. I pick them up in the morning.

"I've got one more dosage of medicine in my blister pack and then I am out," I warned him.

"Let's get in my car and go get another pack I have at the house," my father told me.

"Only if I can drive," I replied.

My father's driving makes me car sick.

It was so good to see Sam my feline buddy. Sam has been under the weather and has been at the veterinarian for a week. She had the kitty version of the flu. Dad knew something was wrong when she quit eating for several days. I had to have a Diet Coke and some caffeine so dad and I sat in the den and talked awhile.

"I deactivated my Facebook account," I told my father.

"What brought this about?" he asked, looking at me wide-eyed.

"I just have trouble seeing the ramifications of my writings and it is such a public place to air your dirty laundry. I worried I would write something about you or Charlie and it would get back to y'all and hurt your feelings."

"Well, it is good you can recognize that," my father replied.


Jane said...

Andrew, do you ever eat fresh fruits or veggies? Maybe you could have a veggie salad with you Lean Cuisine,and a piece of fruit in the evening.

Kran's Crackers said...

I understand, Facebook isn't for everyone. If you don't feel safe there, then it's not for you. I agree with Jane, maybe you can add some vegetables or a salad with the Lean Cuisine? It would fill you up more and might last a little longer to prevent that hunger feeling.
- Sharon -

Berryvox said...

I understand, I never really write about anything revealing on Facebook just because I've seen other people do it and it can be a little cringe-y. Your posts seemed fine to me though.

Sharyn said...

Hi! I have Facebook. I go there once in a blue moon to rant. I used a "fake" name which Zuckerberg hates and I don't care. I keep it mostly for the Messenger feature that I use for a granddaughter and great granddaughter. I also have Skype for 2 more granddaughters, and a private blog for another. You know, Maggie needs a Facebook page, doesn't she? lol (I use my cat's name and pic)