Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Smooth Operator...

"Don't tell that other nurse, Kathy, this, but I am so glad to have you back," I told Rebecca this morning.

She laughed and told me thank you.

"Kathy is a good nurse," Rebecca said in her defense. "It is just that this injection can seem a little overwhelming."

"They always try to use the little needle and they are shocked when I insist on the big one. We've got to get it deep into the gluteal muscle I will explain," I told Rebecca.

Rebecca and I then talked about dieting. She has always had a tendency to be overweight, and she told me her secrets of staying slim. I explained to her that I am on dad's Lean Cuisine slim down plan.

"Lots of vegetables for snacks and meals," she told me. "I personally prefer some steamed broccoli with just a little bit of butter and salt and pepper."

She made broccoli sound delicious.

"I just can't handle cottage cheese," she said with a laugh and a blech! "I also eat a lot of tuna."

The injection went smoothly despite all the odds that seem to be stacked against me for this to happen. I hurried back up through the Valley to give my father the next appointment card. I was ready to get home.

"I got my appointments changed to Tuesdays," I told him. "Just the way you wanted."

Dad thanked me profusely and gave me a hug.

"And I didn't have to tell you or nag you, either!" my father exclaimed.

"You amaze me these days," he told me. "I used to couldn't trust you with doing all this, but you get it done and make it seem easy."

I just blushed and told him thank you as well. I couldn't leave without grabbing a diet Coke out of dad's fridge and then I was on my way back to my Maggie and my computers.

A little video I shot a few years ago of what it is like to get my injection.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Why did your dad want you to change the day of injection? Just curious.