Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Because Pradaxa is Progress...

It is going on 6 AM. I am feeling as strong as an ox and as fit as a fiddle. I woke up and got a big pot of spaghetti sauce simmering after browning 2 lbs of ground chuck and sauteing some minced onions in butter. I put the meat in the words meat sauce.

The Magster has decided this is a good day to sleep in. She didn't stir when I got out of the bed to take a shower.  I am making great strides and progress with my cycling and circadian rhythms. I slept until 4 AM this morning. (gosh, that spaghetti sauce smells wonderfully delicious).

If You Love Them Set Them Free...

Glittermom, dad arrives home late Thursday night.

My father loves and immensely enjoys travelling, but couldn't do this kind of stuff when my mother was alive. Mom's failing health problems wouldn't allow it. He toiled away in that pharmacy for 47 long years so I think he should travel to his heart's content and to entirely enjoy his retirement.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

People deserve the best life they can, but there's also responsibilities.