Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Prickly Bums...

"My injection of Risperdal is tomorrow," I meekly told Charlie as he stopped by with breakfast before work this morning.

It just dawned on me as I was laying in bed listening to Maggie loudly grooming herself. There was a lot of sniffling and snorting going on at the foot of my bed.

I know Charlie didn't need one more hassle when it concerns me. Keeping up with me is a full-time job it seems.

"Your daddy didn't say anything about an injection," Charlie told me almost in disbelief.

"Believe me when I say it is due. I can feel it in my bones. Dad's about as bad as me about forgetting it. He had San Francisco on his mind."

"Here is what we will do," Charlie told me after getting over the initial shock."I'll run by and get your injection and I will meet you at Kamath Medical at 9 AM."

"Sounds like a good plan to me," I told Charlie. "Sorry about the sudden surprise."

Charlie immediately got on his cellphone and called Angie at the pharmacy so the injection would be ready to go in the morning.

"It won't take but 15 to 20 minutes," I very assuredly told Charlie.


glittermom said...

What would happened if you missed an injection? Good thing you remembered. Shame on your dad.

Summer said...

I wish you had called the pharmacy and spoke to Angie, picked it up yourself and not involve Charlie. That would have showed your father just how far you have come.