Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Legend of the Sleeping Man...

It was 5 PM when the phone rang. I was sound asleep and awoke bumfuzzled. Maggie was sleeping beside me and immediately and alertly ran to the phone when it rang.

"Have you made it?" I asked thinking it was my father when I picked up the phone.

"It is your Uncle Charlie you ding head!" Charlie exclaimed laughing.

I laughed in turn and told Charlie I was sound asleep.

Charlie apologized profusely about waking me up. I assured him it was fine and that I needed to get up anyway.

"I will be there in a few hours," Charlie told me. "Horsefly is still watching his movie. What do you want to eat?"

"Just get the chicken tenders meal at KFC when you go to get Horsefly's supper."

I wanted to make it easy on Charlie. Charlie told me he loved me and he would be here soon as soon as he could. I had told him I was a little shaky this afternoon.

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