Wednesday, June 07, 2017

The Royal Princess of Egypt...

Dad was being totally silly, witty, and sarcastic tonight. He sat on the couch giving me my crazy meds as I sat in the recliner next to him. I couldn't discern whether he had been drinking or not. He was acting awful happy tonight. He's a happy, silly drunk. I was a tear in your beer type of drunk. Alcohol depressed my already depressed brain to even deeper lows and deeper depths of despair.

Dad finally gave Samantha (his cat) her royal titles tonight as dad does with all our pets. We brainstormed together for her name. It took him long enough. She is Empress of India and a Royal Princess of Egypt.

Don't Let the Last Chance Get Lost...

"I want to see the Great Pyramids of Giza before I die," my father told me as he was daydreaming.

"GO!" I adamantly exclaimed. "Go while you still have your health and your money."

"I am seriously going to think about it," my father said. "Would you go with me?"

"Can you imagine me having an anxiety attack on the plane and then us forgetting to bring my crazy meds?"

We both laughed. It was a very plausible situation, though.

"Get your jet-setting cousin, Jean, to go with you," I told him. "She would jump at the chance."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dad could bring one of those Diazapam injectors. They seem to work well on the Intervention patients. How have you been doing since Miss Martha's been gone? What about your dad?