Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Love-able and Hug-able Charlie...

"Andrew? How are you?" Charlie asked me when I picked up the phone and said hello.

It was so nice to hear Charlie's chipper voice and he sounded in a stellar mood. This was in response to a message I had left on Charlie's phone about 15 minutes earlier about my medications. I was hoping Charlie was bringing them after lunch around two as usual for a Saturday.

"Your father has gone to a memorial service and he said he is bringing your medications afterward," Charlie said. "The Auburn game doesn't start until 7:30 pm."

"I always feel so out of the loop, Charlie. Nobody tells me anything," I replied. "I am always the last to know what's going on."

"I've got your father on the ball about your new car," Charlie then said changing the subject. "I got your oil changed and new windshield wipers put on. Your daddy is going to take it to West Point Tire and Auto to get the front end aligned and the tires balanced. Hopefully, soon, it will be yours."

"Thank you so much, Charlie. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you and you call me if you need anything else," Charlie then said in closing.

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