Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hot Southern Comfort...

I sat down at my kitchen table to a big bowl of soup last evening. Firstly, I crumbled three large slices of fresh and warm cornbread into it and I then added several large spicy dollops of Louisiana style hot sauce. That first bite was as good as the last. I felt bloated when I was finished succumbing to gluttony.

"Your soup was wonderful," I told my father in a phone call after I had eaten.

"Did you like it?" my father asked. "You have to thank Charlie's wife for that recipe."

"It made the canned soups I bought this week taste paltry in comparison," I told him.

Dad is still a source of consternation for me with regards to my internet connection speed. He refused to call and drive out to WOW! yesterday despite my pleading.

"Today is my day off," he told me bluntly with a harumpff.

This has been going on since Thursday before last -- the day of my injection. If nothing happens Monday, then I am opening up a new internet 500 account and will just give him my monthly bill. There is always more than one way to skin a cat as the old saying goes.

Musically Minded...

I am busy in these wee hours of the morning tonight trying to get all 140 Gigabytes of my music collection in FLAC format. FLAC stands for "free lossless audio codec". The audio quality is vastly superior to the MP3 format. I realize now what a gargantuan task this is going to be and it may take days to accomplish. To my credit, I've already got 70 Gigabytes of my mp3s replaced.

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