Sunday, October 15, 2017

Groceries on Sunday Night? A First in Years?

"Do you think you can go tonight to buy your groceries?" my father asked with great trepidation.

It was a bombshell for me. I had little time to get mentally ready for this.  I stood there for a moment looking kind of stymied and thought about it. I was over at my father's house getting my medications.

"Well, I guess I can," I replied rather apprehensively.

I can be like Horsefly and don't like my routines or norms mixed up too much.

"The only other option is early tomorrow afternoon," my father told me. "I have to go to a sporting event for your nephew and I won't be back till very late."

"We'll go tonight," I said acquiescing, "Are you and Charlie still bringing supper?"

"Yes, we are," dad said. "Expect us about seven."

"Be sure to get me the pot pie $5 dollar fill-up," I replied after last weeks chicken strips fiasco.

Tit for tat, I used this opportunity to tell my father that my internet connection is really slow -- 3 Megabit per second slow when it should be 10 Megabits per second fast.

"Will you call them next week?" I asked. "I don't have the 4 digit code to access the account."

Dad looked a little aggravated, but he said he would call next week for me.


skinny minny said...

Okay. I have changed my mind. I do kind of like the new design of your blog. I just take some time to adjust to new things. :) enjoy Sunday night grocery shopping.
Unlike your father and brother I have had a very good sports weekend with my teams across the board ( football, baseball, professional and college) winning. :D I get their being upset but for more than an hour? no no sport you watch is worth a surly mood for a lose that long!
Hope their moods get better fast

Ivy Green said...

I like your photo better than the cartoon.