Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Mother Hen Dotes Over Her Chicks...

Gotta Be Cambodia!

"Where are you?" I asked my father. "It sounds like you're in a fishbowl."

"I am at the river house watching the water," he replied with a loud echo. "It is really high after all that rain we've gotten recently."

"Do you think we could take my medications this afternoon?" I asked shamelessly as if it were a commercial plug.

"Give me an hour," my father said. "And I will be back at the house. Sure, we can take your meds."

"Do you think it is going to flood?" I then asked.

"We're not in the floodplain," he said as he always does.

I have bugged and bugged him about joining that National Flood Insurance program from the government. I wonder if he ever did?

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