Monday, October 23, 2017

Pork Chops and Rice Equals Manna From Heaven...

Those of you with better memories than mine might remember I bought my groceries last Sunday night instead of our usual Monday. I found myself without food this afternoon and ravenously hungry so I called my father with the hopes of him fixing me a delicious sandwich. He can fix a mean roasted turkey on wheat. Food always tastes better when someone else fixes it as well.

"I'm not at home, Chuck," he said which disappointed me deeply. "Let me run by the grocery store and we will have your favorite dish, pork chops and saffron rice for supper."

Oh, my stomach grumbled something terribly at the prospect of pork chops and rice. I can eat my weight in the stuff.

"It won't take long to cook," my father said on a hope and a prayer and then we turned our conversation to the weather.

"Only a high of 61° degrees Wednesday," I told him. "I'm actually ready for warm coats and flannel lined blue jeans."

"It is about time that fall arrived," my father replied. "We got a good soaking rain last night."

"Well, let me get busy and I will call you in about an hour to come over," dad said. "We will take your medications as well."

"Sounds like a good plan to me," I said and we got off the phone.

One thing I have noticed lately is my father is calling me "babe" recently. He often ends a sentence talking to me with babe. I don't know where that is coming from, but it is interesting. "Ah yeah, babe," as Emeril Legasse of Food Network fame would say.

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