Monday, October 02, 2017

Mrs. Marie Would Be Proud...

Kroger was hopping busy tonight with a lot of employees on duty. Usually, they have a skeleton crew. Dad and I were pretty early in our arrival for shopping, though. I bet it clears out about nine.

I was getting some bananas in produce when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Hey, fella! Are you any good with computers?" Jermaine asked.

Jermaine was getting some grapes which he will eat as he goes about his shopping.

"I know my way around a computer or two," I replied.

"Someone gave me a computer and I got internet installed today," Jermaine said. "It is as slow as Christmas."

"You need to get a better computer most likely or you need to reinstall windows," I told him. "I am sure the internet connection is plenty fast."

Jermaine looked kind of perplexed as I told him to look for a system restore disc and that I still had my shopping to do. I left him as he was popping a white grape into his mouth.

Tonight was the night of Marrie Callendar's meals. I got maybe twenty Marie Callender meals which made my father very happy. I showed him the batter fried fish dinner.

"This lowly and unlikely meal is surprisingly good," I told my father. "They even put cheese on the broccoli."

Dad then had to do some shopping of his own -- things he forgot from his previous shopping in the day.

"Are you going to be able to load up your car okay?" he asked me and I told him to go do his thing.

"I will be fine," I replied.

I spent over $90 dollars and acted coyly dumbstruck. I knew all those meals were going to be expensive. Dad didn't say a word and I didn't offer my two cents as well. We let the matter rest.

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