Friday, October 13, 2017

Notes From the Medication Chronicles - The Sandwich...

Dad called me earlier to see if I wanted a chicken salad sandwich from the deli downtown.

"Sure!" I replied overly eagerly. "I would love a sandwich."

I especially adore chicken salad sandwiches and always have.

"We'll take your medications while you are over here," my father told me.

That was nice. A deli sandwich and crazy meds would be really nice.

Well, I waited for about an hour and dad still hadn't called. I was beginning to worry and my stomach was grumbling something fierce.

The phone finally rang and my father told me to head on over to his house to eat and get medicated. It is not normal for me to eat before medications by the way. This was an exception to my rule. Their effects are immediate and heightened on am empty stomach.

"I got caught on the phone with my cousin Johnny in San Francisco," dad said. "He'll get his feelings hurt if you tell him you've got to go."

Medications 2   Andrew 0

On the cusp of last night's night missing medications, Dad dropped my pills as he was handing them to me this afternoon. We scurried around on the floor looking for them and amazingly found them all.

"Count them to make sure they are all there," he said.

"Is this an omen that I'm not supposed to be taking these medications?" I told my father jokingly.

"You better not say that!" my father exclaimed laughing.


Rita said...

Love the new look of your blog!

Kran's Crackers said...

Wow, fancy new digs here!