Saturday, October 07, 2017

Here We Go!

First of all, Charlie just called and said he is on the way with medications and my "big ass" Coke. That is going to be so very comforting and nice. I will relish this afternoon. It is a little early, but I am not much one to complain even though I may regret it tomorrow. I was beginning to grow worried my father changed his mind and may be bringing my medications and it would be very, very late tonight until he got all the football out of his system. 

"I am bringing you the biggest Coke McDonald's sells," Charlie said laughing. 

I told Charlie how appreciative I am of him and all he does. He truly means so much to me. 

"Well, I just love you and I will never forget all you've done for Horsefly over the years," Charlie replied. "He would have never talked or played like a normal child without your help."

Safe Instead of Sorry...

I've just got back from Kroger. I debited lots of bottled water and nonperishable food. Dad's probably going to bitch at me about it, but he will get over it. I don't want to get stuck in this house with nothing to eat or drink for a few days. I also filled up my tub to the brim with fresh water which will be an emergency source of water. Maggie had a fit, panicked, and ran outside thinking she was getting a bath.

I just looked at the local radar and the first rain bands from the storm are moving through Auburn and Alabama right now. I bet my father and brother will be glad to have those ponchos.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hoping everything goes well. I am thinking about you!