Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Experimental Cooking...

Last night I tried something completely different with my spaghetti and meat sauce. Normally, I would let the meat sauce simmer for several hours, but I didn't want to wait that long. I was hungry.

I browned the ground beef fully and then just added the Ragu Traditional pasta sauce and hoped for the best. I then went about boiling my noodles and added them to the sauce when they were done in ten minutes.

The spaghetti wasn't half bad. Definitely palatable to say the least. I've had several more bowls of spaghetti and it has grown on me. That makes that recipe so much easier. I wouldn't be surprised if most people who buy that Ragu sauce do the same thing as I do.

The Great Truce...

I seem to have a truce with my mental illness as far as my sleep goes these days. I sleep from 3 am to 3 pm. About 12 hours. This way, I am up in the afternoons and get some daylight hours thrown in the mix that helps with my circadian rhythms. I do think the sunlight helps as far as my doldrums are concerned when I sleep the days away. Soon, when the time changes, I will have even less daylight hour to contend with.

Injection Time!

I just called my father at work to tell him my injection was this Thursday. I can already feel the medication waning.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "It seems like we got it last week,"

"Just look at your next appointment card in your wallet," I told him.

He said I was right and thanked me for reminding him as he had completely forgotten. He said he was going to go ahead and fill the prescription and put it back in the fridge. That way, I won't have to wait Thursday morning. I can grab it and run which is my preferred method of getting my injection.

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