Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chicken Scratchin' For My Medications...

Oh, joy! Medication time! The head honcho has just left the premises. Papa was in a very talkative and excitable mood tonight. He said they had every screwball imaginable come in the pharmacy today. Pill counters, crazy Lortab partakers, methadone minions, etc.

Dad likes old Christian hymns despite being an atheist. He loves to play them on the baby grand in the front room of his house. I found a choir/vocal version of May the Circle Be Unbroken and we both loved it. I played it to him on my home theater in the den with my iPod.

"Can you burn me a copy?" he asked thinking he had asked for a long shot.

"Give me just a minute," I told him and I stepped into the computer room and burned it in Redbook audio so it would play in his car.

Dad was also watching A and E's Intervention when he left his house to come over here.

"Talking to them is not going to work. Treatment centers are not going to work," he told me. "You have to take draconian measures to stop the addiction. You start by getting power of attorney and taking away the money!"

"I like social visits, but aren't you forgetting something?" I asked him as he got up to leave after his little speech.

"Oh shit!" my father exclaimed. "I didn't give you your medications!"

Dad and I both walked out to his Honda so I could make sure the compact disc would play on his stereo. Soon, we were hearing sweet tunes. I am very pleased he liked that.

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