Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another Letter from George...

It seems George (Sherman) will be getting out of jail soon. The rumors were true floating around down at the shopping center.

I didn’t check my mail yesterday. A moment ago, I walked outside to be greeted by a crisp and cool fall afternoon as I made my way to the mailbox down the driveway. There was a single, solitary letter in it addressed to me from George. In it, he talked mostly about mundane things about how the vegetable soup they served the other day didn’t have salt in it and that his "Mexican" cellmate has a flatulence problem and can’t carry on a conversation in English worth a fuck (his words). I chuckled out loud as I read that last part. That would just be George’s luck.

George also asked me if I had seen Big S, Ferret, Pookie, or any others of the gang. He then closed his letter by writing that he would most likely get early release next week. He said the first thing he was going to do is to buy a case of beer and a box of cigars and party until he drops. I guess some things will never change.

I wrote him back a letter and just printed it out and sealed it in an envelope. I will put it in the mail in the morning. This is what I wrote:

Dear George,

No, I haven’t seen much of our friends lately. You had a knack for keeping the group together. Ferret is out of that group home for homeless men and living with his mother again in town. I and you both know that will not end up in a positive conclusion. Big S finally got a cease and desist order from the police to stop panhandling at the Piggly Wiggly down at the shopping center due to complaints. He has moved across the river to Givorn’s grocery store these days to do his begging. I still see Dan occasionally and he still feeds his seagulls almost every morning. Cap w/ Tag Guy still hangs out down at the Pig everyday. He no longer sells crack and gets disability. How in the hell he got disability I will never know as he looks fit as a fiddle and nothing seems to be wrong with him. I saw Droopy walking through town the day before yesterday as I walked the railroad tracks next to the depot in West Point.

You gave me a big chuckle about your cellmate. Do you need me to mail you some Beano for him to help with that problem? That just would be your luck to have to live with such a bad companion.

That is excellent news that you may be released soon. Write me back to let me know if I or when I need to come up to Lafayette and pick you up. I will go by and tell your mother in the next day or so if you haven’t already written her. I try to stop by once a week and check on her to see how she is doing still.

I do want to ask you to not drink and drive when you get out. If you must get drunk, then come over here with me or just stay at home. I do hope you have learned your lesson. I have missed our friendship very much and do not want you to go back to jail. You know AA is always an option, but I will not preach. I can’t say I have been perfect on the abstinence front and often long for twelve or more beers these days as well.

Well, I must get some supper started. Call me at ***-**** if you have forgotten my number to let me know the details of your release. I am surprised you haven’t been calling me from jail so I assume you forgot or lost my number.

Your good friend,



2 The World U R 1 Person, 2 1 Person U R The World said...

Hello There!

Last night I couldn't sleep after I got my little one down. After catching up on your blogs, I finally went and read the How To Drop Out essay. Thank you for suggesting it on your blog. It was an interesting read even if I don't agree with everything he said. But, who ever agrees with anothers views 100% anyways!
As I told you before, I love reading yours and other blogs because I have an insatiable curiosity as to how people live and what they experience. So reading his essay and browsing his pages made for good reading.
I'm always amazed at the lives of others. It's one reason why I try very hard not to be judgmental... you never know what ones life is like. You never know what someone has gone through to make them who they are today.
I'm thanking you in a comment instead of email in case others have the same curiosity and would like to check it out.
Have a great day/night Andrew. Who knows what time of day you'll read this :o)


Summer said...

You are such a good friend!

abbagirl74 said...

I am as anxious as you are to see Sherman out of jail. Let's not remember that he is not going to have any money, no job, and maybe no place to stay. You are such a good friend. I hope he doesn't try anything. I have been in the same situation before. I felt like I had to be everything to everyone. And to be truly happy, you really can't. Be careful, my dear friend.

di said...

I'm so glad to hear about George! You are such a good friend to him and from what you've said and written, he knows it :) Also, thank you for admonishing him about drinking and driving.