Sunday, October 01, 2006

Going Invite Only…

My reader’s totaled around over 300 unique people a day reading. I have gotten almost 55,000 hits since I started this new blog in April of this year. That was kind of freaking me out. I decided to go invite only and invited a few people I think I can trust with my personal information. I also didn’t want any family, friends, or Carolyn stopping by to find me writing about them so personally in an open forum. I realized that wasn’t fair to them.

With this increased readership, I was also starting to garner some anonymous bozos and commenters. I have seen it on a hundred other blogs, but never thought it would happen to me. I consider myself a pretty kind and caring person, but still some people just want to bring you down and they do it by cowardly posting anonymously. I had two nasty comments from last night on an earlier post. Invite only will stop that.

I hated to have to do this, but it will make me more comfortable with sharing my life with a few people I have grown to care about and trust. If you have taken the time to email me and comment often then you have been invited. Thank you for those of you that have been so kind and supporting. Your readership means a great deal to me.


Cheryl said...

Thanks for inviting me; I feel honored to be trusted into your confidence. Because your blog is so personal (family pictures, family stories, etc.), it was probably a good move to go private. I'm sure your Dad wouldn't understand the extent to which you share, and with a private blog, you know that your family and Carolyn can't see what you've written.

I do think you did the right thing with Carolyn. How hard that must have been. I think she'll understand, given some time. You spoke to her from the heart, the way you always do. This weekend is about family. When you're ready, you'll introduce your folks to Carolyn. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You'll see that all your friends understand and agree. The right thing is often the hardest to do.

summeraug said...

Thanks Andrew for including me too!

Lisa said...

Thanks for answering my email. I appreciate you letting me into your world once again. I have a lot to catch up on.
