Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yes, Maggie can talk…

Just kidding! Carolyn was giving me a hard time this morning because I constantly talk to Maggie like she is human and can understand.

“You talk to that dog like she is your daughter,” She told me as she smiled and ribbed me.

“Well, it’s probably the closest I will ever get to having a child,” I replied. “She’s my baby.”

Tonight is Carolyn’s last day of work at Fat Albert’s. We go to Savannah on Monday for three days and then she starts work at the dreaded Wal-Mart. Her two week’s notice will be up. I still think she is going to hate working for Wal-Mart. She had a lot of freedom working at Fat Albert’s with no manager standing over her and Debra on the night shift watching every thing they did.

I was supposed to take Maggie to the Kennel this afternoon, but am procrastinating and putting it off till the morning. I and Charlie aren’t leaving until around lunch time for the beach. It will take me around four or five hours to drive down there. We live pretty close to the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf breezes often affect the weather here during the summer.

Charlie came flying by my house this afternoon after work washing more beach towels upstairs. Luckily, I had finished the two loads of laundry I had to do for this trip around lunch time.

“Why are you buying so many huge beach towels?” I asked him. “You don’t even know how to swim and don’t particularly like the water or the beach. You want to go so you can have an excuse to eat out every night in nice restaurants.”

Charlie laughed as he tore the tags off the towels and stuffed them into my washing machine.

“I can’t help it,” He replied. “I am obsessive compulsive about such things and want me you, and horsefly (his pet name for his son) to be prepared.”

Charlie had bought enough huge beach towels for a small army. I smiled back and patted him on the shoulder.

“I love you, you know that?” I told him as I patted him. “You always make life interesting.”

This morning was my shot and there is nothing interesting to write about that. It was uneventful and almost painless. I had a good time talking to my good friend Michelle though.

Well, let me go get the grill fired up, some French fries frying, the baked beans baking, and then make a condiment plate of tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and onions. Carolyn should be heading over soon and will be hungry in a few hours. I have had the ground sirloin/chuck marinating in Lea and Perrin’s Worcestershire sauce all night and those burgers are going to be so tasty and juicy. I can’t wait. I will probably eat three and need to. I have lost four more pounds. I wish you could all come over and share in the feast with us. I could always buy more.


summeraug said...

I do wish I could have dinner with you, Carolyn and Maggie. Nothing would make me happier at the moment. I hope your trip is a safe and happy one. You'll be missed very much. Eat a chili dog, splash in the water, soak up the sun... for me!

summeraug said...

btw.. I want to send you an email, but I don't see your address here. When you have time, let me know what it is. I just wanted to ask you a quick question.

Jonathon said...

Hey Summer,

It is I will add it to the sidebar in a moment for those that want to reach me privately.

SKQBDOO said...

Hi Jonathan, I will miss you while you are away. It would be so nice to come over and have a burger with you guys, it has been such a rough day for me and I would feel like I was among friends.

cozy_one said...


I will pray that you and Carolyn have an awesome trip and that in fact her move to Wal-Mart makes her happier.....altho happiness is found within, not without.

beard157 said...


I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the return of this version of your blog template. I had really liked this template when you first tried it out several months ago. I like the look of the statutes and the color scheme.

I was, however, wondering about your "image". At least from what I recall from earlier writings, you said that fellow was your brother. If it is actually you, now with a veritable "crew cut", I would be surprised. In comparison to your other photograph, you seem rather gaunt.


joyous said...

I talk to my kitty (my baby), and I swear she answers me. I say hello, she answers. I ask her how she's doing, she answers. She's very clear about what she wants, and what displeases her. She's the most vocal animal I have ever lived with.

I'm sure Maggie appreciates your conversation. It's our perogative as pet-owners and animal-lovers to treat our babies as well as we can. And that means talking to them, as we would with any friend.


Have a great trip!

Jennifer said...

I talk to my pets all the time.

I hope you have a great time on your trips. I'm really going to miss your regular posts, but I know the need to just get away sometimes. Enjoy!

gst said...

Sounds like you'll have a ball... if you're going to the beach, you should pick up a couple of Terry Rich beach towels and you'll look extra awesome!