Friday, October 27, 2006

Program Interrupted…

Subsequent Minor Edit - 5:04 AM - Saturday: I did a minor edit to substitute some of my crass language with less offensive language more suitable for younger audiences or sensitive ears. I apologize for my potty mouth. I really have been trying to cut out some of my cursing as it is low class and it worries me. You say things in the heat of the moment that you would never normally say. A commenter had noted that it made me seem uneducated and they are right. I don't want to come across as some crass Alabama redneck country bumpkin type of person.

I am once again up at the crack of dawn. I think I shall go back to bed and try to sleep again. I really wish I was home right now in my own bed. I can never sleep well over at Carolyn's house. She is sleeping like a baby. I want to go take a long, long walk.


It is Friday night. The phone rings. I am in the middle of the only TV show I watch these days other than Little House on the Prairie: Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi channel.

“Crap,” I mutter at a pivotal point in the show on about the third ring. The machine will pick up on the fourth. I rush to the phone. I watch television on my computer and the phone is across my den.

“I need you right now,” A soft, demure female voice says on the other end when I answer and say hello.

“Hold on,” I say. “I need to turn the sound down.”

As I say that, a large cylinder of ash on the tip of my lit cigarette falls to the carpeted floor.

"Dammit!” I exclaim loudly. “Son of a biscuit eater!"

"That is what I get for smoking inside,” I then mutter.

I quickly bend over to make sure there weren’t any still burning embers. I rub the ashes into the carpet until they almost disappear. I rush over to turn down my surround system and then quickly back to the phone after putting out my cigarette in the ash tray.

“What happened? Why did you cuss so loudly?” Carolyn asks.

“Oh nothing,” I reply. “It’s not important. Are you okay?”

“I just need you tonight. Will you come over and stay with me?”

I sigh softly where she can’t hear. I was so into my program. It is the only damn show I like to really watch regularly these days.

“I will be over in a few.”

“Bring some clothes so you can spend the night,” She tells me. “And bring one of your extra large white cotton t-shirts for me to sleep in.”

“Leave the garage light on and let me put Maggie in the fence and I will see you soon.”

“I love you,” She says.

“I love you too,” I say as we hang up the phone.

Oh well, by the time I got back to my computer the show was almost over. I will talk to you all again in the morning or I may blog from over there. I have been in a writing mood today. I have to go with the flow when this happens.


gregoire5 said...

I've been away for a while, out in the countryside, sleeping in a benedictine monastery... when you go trekking in the appalachians, try to see if there's some kind of monastery somewhere along the trail... these places are wonderful to taste the silence and peace that permeates the walls and the people and the surroundings; not to mention the warm, open friendliness of the monks!!!!!

Anyway.... I just wanted to say hello, to tell you how I like the new look (is "template" the appropriate word?) of your blog... and now I have three days of your writing to catch up on... coffee his ready, now is time for a great time... let's see what happened to you!

A warm hello from Frogland (you know... the place where those damn frog legs eaters live!)


PS:... BTW frog legs? they are as tasteless as "industrial" ( lack of vocabulary again!!) chickens

Sharon said...

LOL! Knowing what you originally wrote, the "Son of a biscuit eater" replacement phase cracked me up! I actually haven't heard that one before, did you make it up?

Summer said...

I watch one TV show religously. It never fails, I get all comfy, get into it and my phone rings. It's always my mother, she is aware of the fact that it's the only show I watch and she also knows how much I love it. You should hear the string of words that come out of my mouth on my way to the phone.

You're not alone.

David said...

voilĂ !

austere said...

that son of a biscuit eater was too funny..
I think its your blog and you cuss or write what you want...

grad007 said...

I didn't even notice the cursing in the original post. I swore a lot as a teenager, but managed to cut down in my twenties. (I had moved to a new place where swearing was not so acceptable.) Now my therapist wants me to speak more "spontaneously", and I'm afraid she's going to hear a a lot of cursing.