Monday, October 02, 2006

The Gift of the Gab...

I and Annabel chatted for awhile last night. She thought I was harsh with Carolyn and I agree. She made a subtle hint that I should get flowers to reconcile. As soon as the local florist opens up, I am going to buy two dozen roses and have them delivered to her home along with a card. Hopefully, I can repair the damage that I have caused.

The last time I bought roses for someone was Rachel, my ex-wife. We had just started dating and she was working as a waitress at a local eatery. I had a dozen roses sent and she just melted. We ended up in bed that night. I am sure I will have to do some groveling to get in Carolyn’s good graces as well. Damn, I get tired of spending most of my time upon my knees these days.

Thank you, Annabel, as always for our chats. They mean a lot to me and you are a very special person. I don’t know what I would do without you and your blog to read.

I will leave you all with this Sufjan Stevens song from the album Illinoise:

Sufjan Stevens - Concerning the UFO sighting near Highland, Illinois


summeraug said...

You may have been able to handle it a little bit better, but, I still feel this is the wrong time to introduce Carolyn to your family. From what I've read, I'm sure they would have resented the intrusion to the *family* weekend and more than likely they (your dad) would have gotten angry about it. You've made so much progress in your relationship with your father, I'd hate to see it swirling around the toilet at this point.

Apologize, explain, send flowers. She's an intelligent woman, she'll understand. I still think though that the two of you should run off to the beach ALONE for a weekend. Surprise her...

beard157 said...


I too think that what you did was NOT WRONG. I think it is unfair BOTH that Carolyn was trying to force you to take her.... AND that is unfair that your family would not likely accept the relationship. I can understand completely your desire to keep things at status quo and not try to rock the boat.

The easiest solution is just as you have suggested... to keep them both seperate for the time being. Eventually there may (or may not) be a time when you want the two to merge and meet.... BUT IT IS YOUR CHOICE, and no one else's.

Sending flowers to Carolyn is nice and kind, but if it makes her think you are going to apologize and take her on the trip, then I think it is sending a poor message... and if you do decide to take her on the trip only because you feel her pressuring you... then I will feel sad. You do not need to be dumped upon in that way. And, Carolyn does not need to dump on you... it is unfair.

That said, if YOU (not Carolyn, not your family, nor anyone else) decide you WANT to take Carolyn because it is good FOR YOU, then by all means do so. But, until it is good for you in your soul to do so, do not take her.

The above is only my opinion. So, take it for what it is worth.
