Saturday, October 21, 2006

Me and Mom…

I ate supper with mom last night. Helen, their new maid and cook, cooked a chicken pie along with fruit salad and yeast rolls. It was delicious.

“I am still staying up during the day,” Mom told me beaming with pride as she took a bite of the pie.

“Good for you,” I replied as mom’s cat, Muffin, weaved in and out of between my legs as I sat at the dining room table.

“You still walking every morning?” I then asked as I took a bite of the pie myself.

“Every morning,” Mom said. “But it kills my back. I walk from Batson-Cook’s to Langley’s car lot. Sometimes I feel I will never make it back to my car.”

We both finished eating and sat in the den talking after washing our dishes and placing them in the dishwasher.

“Let’s go for a car ride out spring road,” Mom said.

“Okay,” I replied. “But I am driving.”

Mom laughed.

“You sure you don’t want to live dangerously by me driving?” Mom asked.

“I’m sure,” I replied facetiously.

We both got in my mother’s car and drove way out into the country as mom talked and I listened. She gets so lonely. My father works all the time. I turned around where the road turns from asphalt to dirt and drove us on home.

“Don’t leave,” My mother said as I walked out the back door.

“Mom, I need to head on home,” I replied. “I have things to do.”

I looked over my shoulder as I crossed their backyard to see mom watching out the kitchen window. A certain sadness befell me. I wish there was more I could do for her. It must get so tiring being cooped up in that old, lonely mansion of theirs while my father works 14 hours a day. I guess commerce stops for no one.


summeraug said...

I always look back when I leave my mother's house to see her standing in the driveway watching my car. I feel bad sometimes, but, it was she, afterall, that said in a bitter tone that she didn't need anyone. Maybe years ago she didn't. But now....

Liz said...

I think what you did today was a good thing. From what I recall, you've enjoyed your meals and time with her. So, I think, if you continue it when you have time, and are up to it yourself, that is doing somethig for her. Some time is better then no time.
On the days when I have a lot of cleaning to do, or, we are out running errands and my little one is stuck in a stroller or carseat or shopping cart, I make sure to get lots of cuddle time when we do finally get home. Lots of hugs and things like reading books. Things that involve being close so she knows she's still important and loved even though the day was spent with her being toted around.
Same goes for your Mom. Spend what time you can, and she'll be grateful.
I personally think it's great you enjoy your time with her. Most men don't do such things when they're older. They stick with the obligatory stuff like holiday meals and such.

cozy_one said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your Mom and I know she appreciates the time you spend with her. It's too bad your father is working so many hours and she is alone.