Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Night Shift…

I and Carolyn are still in night shift mode.

“Are you ready to go to work tomorrow?” I asked her as we lay in the bed.

“I would rather stay home and laze about the house with you,” She replied propped up upon her elbow.

“I really don’t want you to go to work at Wal-Mart,” I told her.

“I know,” She replied. “But I need the money and benefits though.”

She snuggled up close to me and we held each other for the longest time. It was a special moment.

“You really are lucky you don’t have to work you know,” She finally said.

“I know,” I said as I got lost in the moment. “I know.”

I then got out of the bed, put on some clothes and my tennis shoes, and walked outside to smoke. I try not to smoke inside when Carolyn is over. Maggie went tearing out my backdoor. I stood on the mat beyond my backdoor looking at a myriad thousand stars spread out upon the sky. I breathed in the cool and damp night air. All seemed right with the world at that moment. Carolyn came walking to the backdoor in my bathrobe drinking a mug of steaming, hot coffee.

“Honey, come back inside,” She said. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Look at that,” I said pointing to the stars. “That’s what life is all about.”

“I know,” Carolyn said blithely dismissing my romantic notions of the late night sky. “Come back in before you get sick. You need to put some more clothes on.”

I smiled as I turned around, corralling Maggie, and getting her back inside. Carolyn fixed me a mug of coffee and we sat in my den quietly enjoying each other’s company in the early morning hours. Much was communicated without a word being said.


Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy! I finally got to read your blog again! I had just about given up trying to login and being denied. Soooo glad to be back reading about you. Take care my friend, Jones

Jade said...

Why don't you want her working at Wal-Mart? I know its a big ol' evil superstore but she is right about the benefits. Big ol' evil superstores tend to have more money to hand out than tiny little mom n pop convenice stores. She seems to mention often that she wishes she could just lay around and not work. I hope that isn't a red flag.