Monday, October 23, 2006

Seagulls Take Flight…

I rode across the Chattahoochee this morning to help Dumpster Diving Dan feed the seagulls. Dan had a hacking cough and I was worried about him. He said he hasn’t started to use his heat yet for lack of money. It got damn cold last night. I told him I would pay this month’s gas bill if he would just run the damn heat. Surely, he gets some kind of veteran’s pension. He fought in Vietnam. I don’t understand his cheapness with money. I have run my heat constantly these past few days.

Where Dan feeds his seagulls is next door to Big John’s package store. I bought a fifth of Southern Comfort and am going to spend an enjoyable afternoon imbibing in the distilled spirits. I have just felt horrible lately and want to feel better. To hell with abstinence is what I thought as I walked up to the counter, purchased a bottle, and slid it into my backpack. A good drink always makes me feel better when I get like this. I know I am just self-medicating so spare me any lectures. I plan on being drunk by noon.

1 comment:

abbagirl74 said...

I WILL NOT spare you the lectures. You know better. You start doing this and then you really feel like crap, oh, don't forget guilty also. I will never tell you what to do with the alcohol. I just wish you would do it in MODERATION. That is so much better than drinking a fifth.