Monday, October 23, 2006

The Possum Encounter…

I meant to write this last night. Yesterday, I cooked a pot of chicken and dumplings. One of my favorite southern treats. My garbage disposal in the sink decided to quit so I walked to the edge of my yard to dump out what was left in the pan after eating. That was something my grandmother always did and I thought of her as I did it. She always said it was good to help the animals in the colder winter months.

It was around midnight and Maggie was driving me crazy about going outside. I thought, “To hell with it,” as I was going to be up all night anyway. If she could brave the cold then she had the run of the yard. I let her out and she started a shit storm of barking. It was driving me crazy. I got out my flashlight and walked to the edge of the yard to find that Maggie had corned a possum. The possum had been eating what was left of my chicken and dumplings. I didn’t know possum’s could growl but growl he or she did. They are quite diminutive little creatures though. I expected something bigger and more menacing.

I finally scooped Maggie up and brought her back inside after several thwarted attempts at capturing her. She sat on the window sill of my den window beyond this computer growling for another hour. I guess Mr. or Mrs. Possum ate his or her fill and then ambled off into the night to never return. This encounter is just one of the joys in living so near the country and the city limits. I often see deer walking through my backyard and the occasional raccoon. The possum was a first though.

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