Thursday, July 07, 2016

So Long So Wrong...

I've got the low down, dog gone funks and I can't motivate myself to do anything today. I was talking to my father earlier about how my mother and I can cycle over time with our mental illnesses. Mom is gradual and I am very sudden. This mental malaise began to happen overnight and the day before that.

I am diagnosed as schizoaffective or having both the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. I honestly think that I am just bipolar, though. (lows and highs) even though I do speak to myself at times.

My only daily cleaning efforts were in the kitchen as I polished my glass top stove and swept the floors.  I try to clean one room a day. The rest of the day I spent sleeping and tossing and turning on the couch as the television droned on for hours. What a terrible way to spend your day and a horrible way to miss it.

"Well, they cancelled your psychiatrist's appointment for tomorrow," my father told me tonight as we sat down on the couch.

"I wouldn't have been able to go anyways," I told my father of my mental capacities tonight. "I also don't have any appropriate clothes to wear."

I shouldn't have bemoaned this fact as far as my mental status is concerned, but dad and I both were ecstatic and joyful -- no longer having to drive all the way to Auburn and then to make awkward small talk with an awkward little man. I am going to miss my customary two Hardee's steak biscuits very much, though.

My father was also so tired after working all day. He was very quiet tonight.

"I can't wait to get home, take off these work clothes, grab an icy diet Coke, and watch television," he told me.


Jan said...

I hate sticking my nose in your business, but I was wondering why they cancelled your appointment...Did your dad cancel it?

Rita said...

I wondered the same thing that Jan asked.

It is interesting, even those of us without any psychological diagnosis have better days than others.