Saturday, January 14, 2017

Let's Take Care of This Hunger First...
I awoke with an utter immediacy which is unlike me. Maggie was curled up beside me and looked up in angst at what I was doing. Usually, it is slow slide out of unconsciousness into the awoken world. I headed for the kitchen after putting on some shorts and tennis shoes.

I could hear the pitter patter of Maggie's feet on tile floor behind me as she followed me into the kitchen. I was looking into my fridge on the wings of  hope and a prayer that I had missed something to eat over this past week. There was one Marie's turkey pot pie, but that would take too long to cook -- eleven minutes in the microwave.. My hunger was very immediate.

What I really wanted was not in my fridge, though. I wanted a banana and there was two left on the kitchen counter quickly growing overripe. So I ate two bananas at one sitting in total gluttony.

Maggie was badgering me for a bite, but looked at me with disdain when I put a piece of banana on the floor as she sniffed it. She had her hopes set high that I was eating something she would like very much.

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