Sunday, January 29, 2017

This is How Life Unfolds Sometimes...

First off, have you been outside in the Southland today? The wind is just howling something fierce. A cold front must've blown through overnight. It is overcast and very dreary.


"Where are y'all?" I asked my father over his cellphone after unsuccessfully trying to get him on the home phone.

It was 2 PM in the afternoon.

"Charlie and I have driven to Columbus to get your sister-in-law some antique furniture. Charlie's in my truck with Horsefly and I am following in his Caprica with Jen."

"What do you need Chuck?" dad then asked with a very pleasant tone to his voice.

"I was just wanting my medications and my sodas," I told my father. "I am feeling some withdrawal today. We have been taking them around lunch every day lately and I have gotten spoiled."

An aside, my father has been very lenient with my medications lately and I wonder when it is going to end.

"I put your Cokes and cigars on the chair outside the back door," my father told me. "I hope that helps. I will give you your medications when I get back in town."

Ah, yes! My cigars! How could I forget you? I got in my car and the yellow light signalling I am about empty on gas was glowing. I headed to the Circle K to fill it up with gasoline making sure to get a receipt.

I pulled into my parent's driveway and could hear Samantha crying loudly. I walked up the steps to find her crying and cold in her cat bed on the back porch.

"Are you cold?" I asked the poor cat as I rubbed the nape of her neck. "I can't open the door as I may set off the alarm and I do not know the new code."

I came home and called my father to tell him his pussy was cold. My father chuckled. I also had ulterior motives as I wanted to know their progress. The prognosis was dismal.

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