Thursday, November 03, 2016

Bite that Bullet and Suck It In Fella!

I just looked up from my bed to my alarm clock. It was steadily blinking 4:05 AM. The power must have gone out in the night while I was asleep. I checked all my computers and hey were dormant after such an event and that pleased me. I learned how to set that setting in the computer's bios. You set it to "last state".

Maggie was also bugging me for something to eat so I got up to give her some of her nibbles and just stayed up.  I am very lucky that I can catch some Z's when I need them. I have found sleep to be a magical elixir when it comes to mental illness related issues with me.

Ill of Fate And the Day Has Come Once Again...
Today is my injection. I called my father before retiring to bed and inquired about it. According to all the ambulance chasing lawyers, I am going to grow female breasts because of Risperdal and win lots of money in a lawsuit. I might just get that Porsche yet even if I do have to wear a bra!

"You're right, Chuck!" my father said. "Good for you! I will meet you at the pharmacy at nine."

At least, I will get my two regular Coca-Colas for the day. Diet Coke gets old. (I am also drinking lots of water Summer and Diane)

Honestly? I feel oppressed. There are a thousand million other things I would rather do today than to get injected in the buttocks this morning with an anti-psychotic.  The logistics are wearing down upon me at the moment. Getting a shower, getting dressed, shaving, and driving down to the pharmacy and Kamath Medical for something that will only take ten minutes to accomplish. Do I see Everest ahead of  me?

1 comment:

diana said...

Good on you Andrew! I hope you feel better!