Friday, November 11, 2016

Wake Up Sleepyhead!

No Rest For the Weary...

Maggie woke me up this afternoon making little mewling noises as we both lay in the bed. I had slept far longer than I had intended to do. I looked at my alarm clock above the bed and it was displaying 2 PM. This usually means Maggie is lonely, hungry, or the dog door is locked and she needed to go potty. Every time I would close my eyes as if I were going back to sleep, Maggie had a fit letting me know she disapproved.

It was time to get up anyways. It turned out to be that she was just hungry. I ambled into the laundry room to find an empty dog bowl and I poured her a big heaping bowl of dog food. I also poured some fresh water in her water bowl. Sometimes she will pull that routine on me when I have slept too long in her opinion and she gets lonely.

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