Sunday, November 06, 2016

Reporting for Duty Colonel Sir...

Eat it while it is still hot and the getting is good!
Unlike pizza which is usually better the next morning to me, it is always much better to eat your KFC hot after being purchased (Captain Obvious reporting for duty). The problem is after I take my medications I have to wait one hour to eat and by that time my food is tepid. I would probably like my food much better just after Charlie brought it. I play by the rules, though, as I always do when it concerns my crazy meds. The only food I ate after the medication ritual was the KFC biscuit with strawberry preserves. which was delicious, hot, fluffy, and buttery -- of better quality tonight than I have ever remembered.

Charlie was his whirlwind dutiful self tonight. My father had a rendezvous with the grand kids. Charlie was flying solo for this bout of Sunday night fried chicken..

"Do you have a vacuum? Charlie asked me.

"Mine is broken and out of order," was what I replied to Charlie.

"I'll get you a vacuum on my way home from work tomorrow," Charlie told me.

Charlie got my good broom and started to sweep all the hardwood floors in the house. The man can''t sit down for nothing. He is a whirlwind of activity.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Some meds say take with food,some say dont need to...I never heard of not eating after taking meds...where did you hear this? I don't think food diffuses the effect of the theses drugs your doctor prescribed or id this your dads idea of what you need? I would ask your doctor about this fasting after taking your meds..