Saturday, March 01, 2008

Confessions of a Working Man...

I really don't work that many hours per day.  Don't tell that to my brain though.  My brain feels mentally tired from all I have to do for the two or three hours I am in to work.   I had several people tell me I looked good today.  Just tired.  I admire my full-time working/blogging fiends like Cheryl and Annabel

One big bonus to stopping drinking was I cut out a huge portion of calories I was ingesting per day.  I was up to 256 pounds a few months ago, and I am down to 220 this morning.  My normal weight should be around 200 since I am 6'3".  Twenty more pounds to go and I will have rid myself of this beer belly.  It seems like the weight is just dropping off of me these days. 

It feels like spring outside here.  Things are blooming all over my neighborhood.  I've been meaning to take pictures of it all, but my camera batteries are dead. I am especially enjoying the longer days this far South.  The long shadows cast by a late winter sun are encouraging. 


mosiacmind said...

Hi Andrew....just stopping by to say hello. I hope that the rest of your weekend is good.

Kelly Jene said...

Great post. You sound great. I'm sure you are looking great too. How about a new picture? : ) Congrats on the weight loss. Feels good, huh? Nothing like a boost in confidence to make a person feel good. And don't give yourself a hard time about being tired after working... you aren't used to it. You will be after a while though. Have a good weekend friend!

Jessica said...

Yay! It seems everything is coming together. :)Hope you're having a great weekend.

Tee said...

Work makes you tired. Before retirement I would come home exhausted. I didn't do any thing physical, it was mental fatigue, but it was still exhaustion.

Cheryl said...

Well, I don't work full time, but I do have a full time life. I'm so thankful for all the energy I have. I get that from my mom. That and a lot of other good things.

I didn't know you were so tall. You probably look good at your current weight, but will look even better when you reach your goal.
