Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Royal Aromas...

I sat at a lady's kitchen table a moment ago as she wrote me a check made out to my father's store.  She was cooking supper and it smelled absolutely incredible.  I never did know what it was, but it smelled like an Italian dish.  I had to come home and eat a sandwich I was so hungry from that. 

Today was a good day at work.  Quiet and I like them like that.  The criticism I received at work yesterday was not about my job performance, but about how I handled a situation with Joyce.  Joyce's mental illness and it's reputation precedes her even at my father's store. 

Well, let me settle in and enjoy a quiet evening.  I have issue #2 of a new Model Railroader to read.  Let's see if I can cajole Maggie into sitting on the couch with me for an hour.  She's been awful antsy and bark-ish today.   I get lonesome and having Maggie with me feels like having your best friend along for the ride.  I sure have been missing Rosa today. 


Sharyna said...

What did you do wrong in regards to Joyce? Are you suppose to treat her like a client now, instead of a friend?


Andrew said...


It was about letting her drive when she is mentally ill. I guess I am supposed to stop her, call the police, or take her keys away. It is a catch-22 situation that is out of my control I finally came to realize.

Thank you so much for your email yesterday! I wouldn't have known to check if you didn't leave that comment. You mean alot to me too!

Leann said...

I'm so proud of you Andrew!! I'm glad to hear things are going well and you are feeling upbeat and positive. Enjoy the issue of Model Railroads.

I know what you mean about the best friend. My Tigger is the same way. I love it when he sits and snuggles with me.

Moonroot said...

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! You are making such giant steps forward in your life. I hope you had a nice, cosy evening with your magazine & a snuggly Maggie.

Cheryl said...

I wonder what's in store for today? I hope it's more good vibes like yesterday. Happy Wednesday, my friend!

skinny minny said...

120 Days!!!! 3Months!! a quarter of a year!!!! you are doing so good!

Portia said...

I'm glad work is going so well. I hope today is another good one for you and Maggie:)

Tee said...

Maybe you need to call Rosa. Just a thought. As for Joyce, has her family asked you to keep her from driving? Has she asked you to help keep her from driving? I know a lot of people driving that act like they are mentally ill.