Monday, March 03, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I am getting in the habit of sleeping for longer than normal periods.  I slept until 1:00 PM today.  I was asleep at midnight.  Very uncharacteristic of me.  I hope this is not a new trend. 

The whole afternoon will be spent with me gearing up for work.  Dad expects more out of me than his normal workforce.  I have to be johnny-on-the-spot. Nice clothes.  Neatly combed hair.  Teeth brushed.   Everything manicured to a T.   For the deliveries, I am the "spokesman" for the store and the only thing certain patrons see.  I want to portray a good visual for these people's only tangible link to my father's business.   Let me get in the shower and get busy.  


Tiffanie said...

Maybe you are sleeping more because you are working?

mosiacmind said...

i hope that you have a good day.

justLacey said...

I think tiffanie is right. You are sleeping more because of work. After a while your body will adjust and you won't sleep as much.

Tee said...

It could be a combination of the work and too many Benedryl. Cut back on those Benedryl and see if you need a little less sleep. You know work demands energy and when you use that energy you need to "recharge"--sleep. :-) You are so right about portrayig a good visual image for you and your father's business. First impressions are important.