Monday, March 24, 2008

The Biggest Meal of the Day...

My grandmother's favorite meal was breakfast. On her farm, she would begin breakfast at daybreak usually by frying bacon or sausage made from the pigs my great uncle raised. I would be laying in bed and the smell of freshly percolating coffee and frying breakfast meats would come wafting in. It was like an olfactory alarm clock.

I thought of Memaw this morning as I sat drinking my coffee and eating my cheese eggs -- always a favorite thing she would fix me. I always remember her using sweetened condensed milk in her coffee. She would slurp it loudly, often letting out a loud sigh of joy and satisfaction.

Out of the fourteen children that was my grandmother's brothers and sisters, only one sibling is left living -- my great aunt Myrtis. She is ninety years old and still lives alone in a little house in God's country. We are wondering how long this will last though. She keeps saying she sees and talks to her sisters and father -- all dead for many years. Her father, Papa, died in 1954.


Melissa said...

I was wondering what is wrong with the twitter counter the day are looking funny. It states that you wrote something 141 days ago and I know that you just wrote it. Thank you very much for the wonderful updates you are sending out lately. You sound wonderful and up beat. Keep up the great job Andrew.

C.A. said...

Andrew, please tell us who is shown in this wonderful old picture, and where it was taken. Thanks for sharing this made my heart smile.

Hugs to you and Maggie...


Trying2BMe said...

Don't sit and ponder how many days she has left, keep remembering the days that she's been here and the impact it's had on your life.

Sounds like she's an amazing woman.

Mike said...

What a nice story. It made me think of my own grandmother. To this day, whenever I take a trip and stay over my grandmother's house, I wake to the smell of percolating coffee and eggs fried in bacon fat. She loves her coffee, and will give you cup after cup if you let her.

Have a good day, Andrew!

Tee said...

Look at you 125 days sober!!!!! Great job.

Tell us who is in the photo. I have fond memories of my grandmother, the smells of her cooking. Her coffee alway smelled so good, unfortunately it never did taste that good to me. My grandmother and granddaddy both poured a little coffee into their sauser and would slurp it out as well. I never did figure out why.

mosiacmind said...

Thank you for sharing. It reminded me of hanging out at the farmhouse of my great aunt and uncle. I hope that you have a good day.

mosiacmind said...

Thank you for sharing. It reminded me of hanging out at the farmhouse of my great aunt and uncle. I hope that you have a good day.

Barb said...

Fun Memories, thanks!

Like the others, I wish I knew who is in the picture!


Barb said...

I got it, is that Memaw, and her children, the man in the front row, on the left being your father? Just a guess


Summer said...

I miss my grandparents terribly.

Jbeeky said...

What a great post! I can smell the coffee!