Monday, March 17, 2008

The Thinnest of Skins...

I got criticized tonight at work and it hit me so hard.  That happens often when you're an under-achiever in an over-achieving family.  I need to be a man and suck it up.  Why do I want to cry, though?  I am so wire thin sensitive even after all the recovery I've experienced. 

I've got 12 deliveries to do tonight.  The store is closing in ten minutes.  I better get on the road. 

You know what my first thought was, though?  I wanted a drink.  I wanted to buy a twelve pack of beer and drown my sorrows.  I've got to grow some thicker skin.  


Anonymous Boxer said...

maybe you just had a "monday" - don't let it get to you.... just look forward to another day.

CJM-R said...

Hang in there, Andrew. Don't let one remark cause a slip. You have been doing great and you are still kinda new at the job.

The thick skin will come.

Have a nice evening!


Josie Two Shoes said...

Ahh, but now you are able to recognize that you are being a bit over-sensitive to the criticism, as we all do from time to time. Awareness is always the first step to overcoming something. Look at the bigger picture and how well you are doing on the whole. Don't let one day, one grumpy customer, or one critical employee defeat you. Tomorrow is another day, and it will likely go better. Reward yourself for getting thru it and getting the job done!

Cheryl said...

I'm surprised that someone would criticize you at work. Do you think it was because your father wasn't there? I'm very defensive of you and sorry you had to deal with this. But deal you did. You're stronger than you think.

How did your delivery to Ms. Cranky go? Any stories?

The Little Woman and Hubby said...

It hurts when we are critized. Don't let some rude person take away your happiness and certainly don't allow them to push you over the edge and you throw away 118 days of being sober!!!!! When someone critizes you ask them what they suggest that will help you improve your behavior or job performance. I bet they will back peddle real fast!


over-achievers are over-rated! i have taken on a philosophy of being an average, straight-C student in life.

and i say crying is better then drinking. stay in touch with your feelings and know you aren't the only one having bad days and feeling sensitive.

you're strong to admit to feeling sad, scared and vulnerable.

Lara said...

You wanted to. But you didn't. That is a sign of a toughening skin.

Be proud of yourself. :)

villain820 said...

You felt something all of us feel from time to time. Your reaction seems normal but you took a different route. Great job!

Kelly Jene said...

Criticism is hard to take no matter who it's from. Try to have a better day tomorrow. Hugs!

justLacey said...

I think we all feel the same way. You are no different in being hurt by the criticism. Sometimes people don't realize how their comments affect others. Tomorrow will be a new day. No drinking, you have come too far to go back now.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

we all feel like that when we are criticized andrew. thats when its a good time to pick up the phone and speak to another alcoholic about how you are feeling no matter how 'silly' it seems.

we cant do it on our own. we need others to help us get some perspective when we (inevitably!) lose it! again and again.. ! hehee

we are only human after all, and we take ourselves FAR to seriously from time to time!

Summer said...

Who said something to you? Do you want me to beat them up?

forsythia said...

Was there a grain of truth in the criticism? You can learn something from it. None of us is perfect. We're gonna make lotsa mistakes.

Was it off the mark? Then don't listen to the fool, but remember: he or she has a right to be wrong. :-)

Good for you not to drink.

Think: skin like an alligator.

Moonroot said...

Thin skin is a blessing and a curse. It means small things hurt like hell, but it also means you are sensitive to other people's feelings and that's one of the things that makes you so special. You have such a kind heart. Try not to let criticism get to you. You have so much to be proud of - and we are all very prould of you.


you have thicker skin then you realize, 119!!! awesome!

I do know that feeling though, and coming from someone that despises conflict, I completely get why you felt that urge to have another an onion (SHREK!)'s maybe perhaps that you just don't appreciate negative confrontation..who would? There's many ways of offering aid constructively and whomever was the lass that lay down the hurtful words perhaps could use a lesson in positive thoughts...Give Summer the persons info, she'll take care of him/her for you! HAHA>..


Barb said...

I am with Summer, let me at'em!!!!!


pattycakes said...

aww dont worry about that , we are all critized at one point in our lives , just ask that person could they make a suggestion as to how to do it better and i bet that person will turn around and possibly be your friend some day , you never know. dont be too hard on yourself , your doing great . have a great day :)

bjk said...

Thick skin but keep your tender heart.....

eSadElBlOg said...

I think the right wayof neassuring achievements is not always the result but the effort you put on. You are doing very well!!!! Don't give up for a bad day!

mosiacmind said...

I am glad that you chose to not use.It is so hard for me when people are critical of me. I was glad to read that today seems to be a better day.