Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I realized crying is such an imposition on someone else.  That's why we try to wipe away tears and hide it.  Especially in public.  At least I was only writing about it and it was past tense.   I hope that is less of an imposition and apologize for today.  Let's pray tomorrow is better. :-)


Judy Rahn said...

Let yourself cry-- we all do it, and if anyone feels imposed, tell them where to stick it.

nengaku said...

I wanted to let you know that I've been keeping up but not posting comments as much because I'm using Google Reader now and it's an extra step to post a comment.
Also I wanted to say CRY man CRY! And be thankful you can! I seem to have lost the ability a few years ago and that scares the crap out of me. Sometimes it would be such a wonderful release......

Josie Two Shoes said...

We do not need to apologize for our tears any more than we need to for our laughter, if there were no sad times, how would we know joy? I worry far more about those who never cry, can't cry, and bottle it all up inside. Crying is a healthy release. I hope tomorrow will be a much brighter day for you. I'm glad Rosa is coming over!

Jessica said...

It's ok to cry. It just helps sometimes. Tomorrow will be better. :)

mago said...

Hey. Supper, Rosa, Dad, Maggie - seems all to be good words. If you need to cry, I think it is like sleep, the body needs it and takes it.

mosiacmind said...

it really is o.k. to cry and most times we humans feel much better after we cry. so no need to apologize at all.

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

Tears are a precious expression of a human heart - Bless you, Andrew! Thanks for the courage to share about your life!

Caroline said...

For some reason I've been emotional lately too. Let it out sweets. It's good for you. And you know where I am if you need me.

CJM-R said...

All good advice Andrew. And as the song says.

It's alright to cry, crying takes the sad out of you, Raindrops from your eyes, You'll only feel better.

I think you are just feeling your life and it is all good.


Kelly Jene said...

Crying is only an imposition to the unfeeling person. People who feel can empathize.

justLacey said...

If people cried more often instead of feeling like it was an imposition or made them seem weak, the world would be a much happier place. There is no need for you to apologize.

simonsays said...

I have been a virtual sprinkler system recently, I know just what you mean. Crying does help, so give in.

Thank you for commenting on my blog, I have missed you.

It'll be okay Andrew, really. You are doing a terrific job. :)

Irishcoda said...

I don't think crying is an imposition on someone elsse...that's an idea that we're taught, though, especially boys. In Europe, men can cry and get emotional. Men in the U.S. used to get emotional, too, if you read some literature before the industrial revolution you'll see what I mean. Men were always weeping over something. I understand how you feel about hiding your tears but that's from social conditioning :P

Bridget said...

I second Kelly Jene's comment. I cry in the shower a lot. It's cathartic and way better than a lot of things one could be doing to let emotions out. I read somewhere that scientists have studied tears and have determined for a fact that we not only release toxins when we cry, but also chemicals that are linked to the release of emotions. It's a good thing to cry.

Jessica said...

Found this quote today and thought it was appropriate. :)

“Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again.”

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