Sunday, March 02, 2008

Poor Joyce...

Joyce left the most pitiful note on my door last night basically lamenting the fact that her doctor is holding her out of work for two more months.  "What am I going to do?" she wrote in the letter. "I have always worked and it keeps my bi-polar in check.  It keeps me from being so hyper. Dear God, help me!!!!"

I've seen her driving some today and just saw her meddling around in her trunk.  I need to go talk to her, but I am having a hard time getting it together today.  I slept until two this afternoon.  Rosa left early this morning.  I need to go let her know she is not alone and that I understand.  I am afraid she thinks I am avoiding her because of the intimacy of the letter left on my door.  The letter was risky and very personal, characteristic of something somebody would write if they are mentally ill.  Personal boundaries tend to get muddled or forgotten when in the throes of a mental illness.  


Tee said...

My heart hurts for Joyce. I know you are a good neighbor to her and will try to encourage her. You are an encouragement to us.

jane said...

i am so glad you live next door to joyce - you've got a kind, understanding and gentle soul - and she needs it.


CJM-R said...

So good you understand about her note. She is lucky to have a friend like you right next door.

Hope your talk goes well with her.


justLacey said...

Awww, poor Joyce. I wish she had more people around her that cared. She is probably very lonely. I'm glad she at least has you.

mosiacmind said...

I had an idea if Joyce could get a computer and you show her how to get a blog and we could all have another blogger buddy just an idea. I know around here even some of the rent to own places one can get a decent deal on a computer. it would give her a way to connect with people and such