Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hair of the Dog

I woke up this morning at 12 PM, lunchtime.  I have resigned myself to the fact that my body needs this.  I am getting over 12 hours of sleep a night.  I was laying in the bed trying to get woken up when Maggie came in and rescued my socks from adorning my odorous feet.  She carried them into the den and has been very protective of them.  That always makes me smile.

Today NEEDS to be a cleaning day.   I can't see well and didn't notice how dirty my rug in the den was until I got on the floor to put on Maggie's flea medicine yesterday.  There is dog hair everywhere!   I was embarrassed when Charlie came over last night with my medications.  He brought me the coolest wall hanging, though.  A photograph of what I am not sure, but it looks cool. 


eSadElBlOg said...

take a picture of teh hanger and we can try to find out what it is. Can be a game.

eSadElBlOg said...

I always have dog hair all around the floor!!! I am afraid it is a lost batle...

Marsha said...

If you take 6 benedryl a night, it's no wonder you sleep until noon.

Tee said...

LOL! I have a cat, wool rugs and hardwood floors, so I have dust bunnies that get so large they need names. I get out the dust buster and chase them off. Cut back on the Benedryl and you might not feel so slugish.